Curious? This morning I walked into our bathroom to get ready for the day, and there, right in the middle of the floor, blocking my path to get to the sink... sat the bathroom scale.
First reaction? "Ugh! What is so difficult about putting the scale back once you've pulled it out? I ALWAYS am the one who puts it away when I wasn't the one to get it out!" (Maybe I should get it out more! I think I'm putting on a couple extra unwanted pounds!)
The Holy Spirit immediately hit me with two other things lying on the floor that apparently had fallen while I was getting ready yesterday... a bottle sprayer and a hairspray cap.
How many times are we quick to judge what someone else does or what they have not done that we think they ought to do? And all the while, we ourselves, have double the trouble in our own lives... It's like the Gospels talk about... we're quick to point out a speck in our brother's eye while we have a beam sticking out of our own. Let's remember to extend grace to others in their shortcomings... chances are that we've got double of our own, but we are blind to them.
When I walked into the bathroom, I did not see the bottle sprayer or the hairspray cap. I saw the scale. But taking a moment to be introspective, I realized I had no room at all to judge another when I myself had not done due diligence to pick up what I had apparently dropped in a hurry yesterday. Why is it that we see problems of others as shortcomings in their character, yet we stack up excuses as to why our own shortcomings are what they are? You see, I could have blamed that scale sitting there on my husband being lazy and not putting away what he got out. All the while, I would have said, that the reason my own things were on the floor was because I was in a hurry and didn't even realize that they had fallen. But what if I turned that around, and gave my husband the grace rather than myself?
Is there something that really irritates you about the person you live with or minister along side of? Chances are, there is... but don't forget to offer grace rather than judgment today. Chances are... they were the ones who need grace, and we are the ones who need to work our character.
sharing the journey of all things young couple, music, ministry, health and adventure related
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
blessed with this man
If you aren't interested in the ramblings of a wife who has been married a couple years, you'll just want to skip over this post because I'm about to ramble about just how blessed I am to have this very man in my life.
This weekend, I watched him...
swing the twins in circles till he was sick to his stomach
get tackled repeatedly
laugh uncontrollably as he explained what ribs were
teach them how to lick their Cookie Monster Ice Cream cones before they'd melt all over the place
clean up potty messes
and tuck the boys into bed at night
spend hours finalizing his messages for Sunday's service till late at night even though he was completely physically and mentally exhausted
when Sunday morning came, and my health completely gave out,
he tended to my every need... gently lifting me up, feeding me, and assuring me that everything was ok. And he knows my heart, he put on worship music while I lay in bed unable to move - He knew God's truth through music was what I needed to hear... and God gave me sufficient health to recover strength and still go to both services with him that day!
That evening, after the church service, this guy ran into the grocery store for a GF pizza (so I wouldn't have to worry about dinner) and grabbed a movie that I had been wanting to watch... and chocolate ice cream!
Seriously, I am just sooo blessed to have him in my life. His patience astounds me. His love overwhelms me. It's not every guy that would tend to the needs of his wife (lovingly!) when he has his own stresses and responsibilities on his shoulders.
"Thank you, God, for giving me such a man of character. His authenticity, patience, and true love inspire me to be more. You have blessed me beyond my wildest dreams."
Saturday, May 2, 2015
This Moment | Life Right Now
Stolen!! Davis, I absolutely L O V E D this idea! :)
to Everlasting God
Coffee! (hello!)
to get a move on this day
super happy and content
my pj's and a very cozy sweater
more breakfast
about good God really is to us
finishing up my devotions and then a blog post
to share news about a possible business venture
on my couch
for my tummy ache to go away
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
what life would be like if we Christians would really follow Christ
I can go to my brother's boot camp graduation at the end of this month
cleaning the bathrooms (ok, so I just did this yesterday, but seriously, I hate cleaning bathrooms! lol
to see my little (now almost 5!) twins tonight, serve at another church tomorrow with my preacher man, and also a Bible study tomorrow with a friend
from eating gluten (wah... such is the life of one who eats out the day before because you never know where it's hiding)
the flames flicker in my fake fire place
because I had an amazingly productive morning
that I really appreciate a minimalist approach to life
pizza tonight because that's what my guy requested
because it is ALWAYS better to start your way that day even if you have to force it at first
At peace
because all is truly well
when you're called to step UP
What happens when you're called to step up? What exactly does it look like to a leader in your community?
Maybe that thought does not even appeal to you. You're the one who is more than happy to stay in the shadows and help out when possible, but have no interest in being considered... a LEADER! Man, that involves some major responsibility!
Or, you could be the one who L.O.V.E.S. the limelight. Now, you may not want to admit that, and you may even hide behind false humility... but deep down, there's nothing that gets you more excited than being out front and recognized!
Today I want to take a closer look at Joshua's call to step UP.
First, it is interesting to me that Joshua is introduced as Moses' minister. Before Joshua was ever called to a place of leadership in his community, he was a servant. He attended to the menial tasks of whatever Moses needed him to do. He'd probably be called Moses' right hand man in today's terminology. Isn't it interesting that in Matthew 20:26-28, Jesus taught that whoever wants to be great should be a minister... that even He, the son of GOD, came not to be ministered unto, but to minister? Before we can ever be effective leaders in any capacity, we must first take a step down and practice serving others. Servant leadership.
Secondly, it's hard not to notice how many times Joshua is told "Be strong and of a good courage." Why do you think Joshua is told that so many times? In this passage it's three times, but if you look back in Deuteronomy 31, you'll see that Moses had just got done telling Joshua this very thing THREE times.
I think that Joshua may have been that person who was more than happy to be a right hand man. Honestly, I think he loved serving God by assisting another person. The idea of leadership though? It terrified him. But, here he was being called to step UP. He desperately needed strength and courage.
Being strong and courageous involves both physical and mental capacities. What is it that God is calling you to? Are you keeping yourself physically able to do that, or are you running yourself down with a thousand other things than what God has for you? How about mentally? Are you giving yourself time and space to meditate on God's word? For each person, it will look different. But don't get caught up with trying to keep up with the Jones' or even that Christian leader that you admire so much. God has called YOU to live YOUR life for Him.
What does God tell Joshua NOT to be? Afraid or dismayed. Afraid carries with it the idea of "awe" or "dread." Dismayed means "to be broken down by violence or confusion and fear."
When God calls you to step UP and out of the shadows, how do you feel? What's your reaction? Are you giddy with excitement because you'll be in the limelight? Don't forget it's all about being a servant - not being filled with power. Are you terrified of the responsibility before you and how it will ever get done? Don't give place to that confusion or fear. Why?
Well, let's look at the third thing in this study: God's presence. All the time, everywhere, in every capacity, our God is with us. He is not a God that is distant and will not hear. He is not a God that comes through for us only sometimes. He is always with us. Always. Always. Always. And He is always working everything together for His glory and our good. Was Joshua going to have trouble ahead of him? Oh, you better believe it. Some days were going to be harder than others, but in each and every moment, God was with Him.
Too often, we take on whatever lies before us in our own strength. We try to be better Christians, better leaders, better moms, better wives... but that's just the problem. WE are trying to do it. Next time, rather than push through and try harder, how about whispering a prayer to the very God who is with you? Acknowledge His presence. Yield to Him, and let Him live through you.
So, when you're called to step UP, remember first to take a step down - always be a servant. When you're terrified to even think about what lies before you, be strong by calling to mind the fact that God is with you. Claim the promises He has given. And when confusion and fear threaten to reign, cast them down by lifting Him up.
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