If you aren't interested in the ramblings of a wife who has been married a couple years, you'll just want to skip over this post because I'm about to ramble about just how blessed I am to have this very man in my life.
This weekend, I watched him...
swing the twins in circles till he was sick to his stomach
get tackled repeatedly
laugh uncontrollably as he explained what ribs were
teach them how to lick their Cookie Monster Ice Cream cones before they'd melt all over the place
clean up potty messes
and tuck the boys into bed at night
spend hours finalizing his messages for Sunday's service till late at night even though he was completely physically and mentally exhausted
when Sunday morning came, and my health completely gave out,
he tended to my every need... gently lifting me up, feeding me, and assuring me that everything was ok. And he knows my heart, he put on worship music while I lay in bed unable to move - He knew God's truth through music was what I needed to hear... and God gave me sufficient health to recover strength and still go to both services with him that day!
That evening, after the church service, this guy ran into the grocery store for a GF pizza (so I wouldn't have to worry about dinner) and grabbed a movie that I had been wanting to watch... and chocolate ice cream!
Seriously, I am just sooo blessed to have him in my life. His patience astounds me. His love overwhelms me. It's not every guy that would tend to the needs of his wife (lovingly!) when he has his own stresses and responsibilities on his shoulders.
"Thank you, God, for giving me such a man of character. His authenticity, patience, and true love inspire me to be more. You have blessed me beyond my wildest dreams."
Amen. God is just so good! So happy for you and that God has given you such a perfect man for you. Love you. :)