Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"something in my heart just keeps on yearning"

"Has there ever been a time in your life where you felt closer to the Lord than you are right now?  You were more at peace... had more joy?"

Chances are, if you've been walking with the Lord for some time, you've likely heard this question asked during a sermon at your church or on a podcast maybe.  The question is posed to get people thinking about snapping out of the rut, the routine, the status quo... and really focus on where their personal relationship is with God.  And I'm pretty sure that you'll hear one or two things about joy this coming month.  It IS Christmastime.

I've heard the question countless times.  I try to give it sincere thought when it is posed, and take necessary measures according to whatever the answer may be.

But over the past couple months, I have found a hunger growing in my soul for more. You see, it's not that I haven't been walking with God.  I have been.  I've been reading my Bible, praying, going to church... the list goes on - you know how it is.  Things haven't been bad.  They've been good.  But, I'm craving more.

There is a stirring in my soul for that authenticity... for that moment by moment, in step, life flow with God.  As John puts it, the abiding in Christ.  Jesus left us specific instructions for FULL joy, "Abide in me." If we want true joy not only this Christmas season, but year round - that's where it's got to come from.

It's time to take life by the reins... time to reflect... time to pray... It's time for the tough stuff...time to get serious about sin - to lay aside some weights and what so easily besets us... looking unto Jesus, and thus experiencing that joy.

Are you in?